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Feedback from JF 20230307

I received some nice pictures and feedback from one of our very first customers, J.F. in Pennsylvania. Posted with permission. I received everything on Wednesday and started setup last night. My ball was feeding last night so I needed to wait till

We're Live! 20230301

We've finally arrived at the go live date. The store is open and all the lights are on. Here's a coupon code for 25% off your order for the first 25 customers. Nick + 3R

Load Testing 20230217

I did some load testing of the gateway firmware last night. I tested 50 SS1 devices at the same time. No issues at all. The firmware on the gateway support 256 devices running simultaneously. Nick + 3R

Call for Testers 20230206

Howdy Folks! We need some beta testing help! If you: are interested in being part of the refinement of SlitherSense have a reptile or amphibian in a vivarium want early access are willing to provide feedback are understanding that it's not perfect (

Android App Published 20230205

The Android app has been published: The base SlitherSense platform is web-first and only. The purpose of the app is three-fold: To provide local, real-time access to the readings of

Uline Delivery 20230203

We'll be going super simple and generic on the packaging. Reuse and recycle, please.

Hard at Work 20230128

The boys and I put together and configured the very first batch of SS sensors and gateways. Getting closer to shipping but still so much to do!

Boards and Boxes 20230126

The enclosures and the assembled circuit boards for the gateway arrived. The gateway firmware, written using the ESP IDF in C, has been validated working to gate the bluetooth sensor data up to the SlitherSense platform. The board and enclosure wer